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Terms and conditions of use of the website (hereinafter "Terms and Conditions") set the conditions under which any person may visit or access www.crapimari.ro website (hereinafter "Site" and / or "crapimari.ro ") and has the value of an agreement concluded between SC SERVICE RIG S.A. as owner and manager of www.crapimari.ro site and any person visiting or accessing the Site or wants to use in any way the information displayed on this website. Not accepting these Terms and Conditions or any provision thereof, the person draws obligation to stop accessing the Site and further accessing or visiting the Site, any of these pages and / or use of the information contained in this site is entirely and unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and any provisions thereof. Materials and information accessible by the Site Content, design, graphic elements of the Site, including but not limited to all content in text format, and technical sources of all present and future services and facilities, except when specifically mentioned other sources, pages and material transmitted in any form and / or users (by direct visualization on the website, newsletters, etc.) belong to SC SERVICE RIG S.A. and represents the content of the Site. Site content, regardless of the position and type, can be used only for personal purposes by displaying on the screen of a personal computer or other electronic device, to display a web page and / or print / download for personal and noncommercial use of certain documents or information expressly designated for this purpose, provided keeping unchanged all items referring to intellectual property rights, other proprietary rights and conditions of use of the documents or information. Any use of the Site Content by third parties for purposes other than personal, can be made only with the written, express and prior SC SERVICE RIG S.A. and conditions set forth exclusively by SC SERVICE RIG S.A. Thus, it is forbidden to copy, download, reproduce, publish, transmit, sale, distribution, partial, full or modified, made on a website or in any other part of the Site Content or any part thereof, made in purposes other than personal and noncommercial use. SC SERVICE RIG S.A. reserves the right to sue any person and / or entity that violate in any way the above provisions. Requests for use of the Site Content for any purpose other than personal can be made at: Marcus Aurelius Street no. 18 Constanta or e-mail to office@crapimari.ro Any person who sends in any way information or materials to the Site undertakes not to prejudice in any way the copyright and any other intellectual property rights that a third party could invoke the related material and information transmitted in any way to the Site, and persons who dispatch information or materials in any way understand and accept that in any way a violation of this obligation cannot engage in any way responsibility SC RIG SERVICE SA, but only the responsibility of those persons. Limited liability SC SERVICE RIG S.A. assumes no obligation and does not guarantee implicitly or deliberately, for the contents of the Site, the content provided by its partners or users of the Site. SC SERVICE RIG S.A. will make all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and confidence in and will try to correct errors and omissions as quickly as possible. However, the SC SERVICE RIG S.A. is not liable for inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the information provided by trading partners SC SC SERVICE RIG S.A. and / or by the user as well as to the correctness and accuracy of this information. Expressly Site users agree to indemnify the SC SERVICE RIG S.A. for any judicial or extrajudicial action that comes as a result of misuse or fraudulent use of the Site. For the case of force majeure, SC SERVICE RIG S.A. and / or operators, directors, employees and representatives, shall be exempt from all liability. Cases of force majeure include but are not limited to, technical malfunctions of equipment of SC RIG SERVICE SA, the lack of functioning internet connection, lack of functioning telephone connections, computer viruses, unauthorized access to the Site systems, operator errors, strike etc.. Users agree to protect and ensure the SC SERVICE RIG S.A. and / or operators, directors, employees and representatives harmless from and against any claims, demands, actions, charges, losses, damages, costs (including without any limitation, attorney's fees), costs, judgments, decisions, fines , regulations or other obligations arising or related to any other action the user about the use of services or any other aspect related to www.crapimari.ro services. Changing the Terms and Conditions SC SERVICE RIG S.A. has the right to modify in any way any provision of the Terms and Conditions or the Terms and Conditions in full, without any notice and without being required to meet any other formality to users. Any change is fully and unconditionally accepted by users of the Site by simply using or accessing any facilities provided by the Site or by accessing the Site, at any time after operation change intervention and accepting any change obligation that attracts users to immediately cease Site access and / or use in any way of the information on it.
Rights and obligations of users of the Site and of SC SERVICE RIG S.A. set by the Terms and Conditions and all legal effects these Terms and Conditions produce, shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with Romanian law in force. Any dispute arising out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions shall be settled amicably. In case of inability to reach an agreement, the dispute will be settled by the competent Romanian court located within the area of Constanta. |